Sinan Cem Eroğlu
"Sinan Cem Eroglu is some of the best instrumentalist and the first modern virtuoso of kaval in today's Turkish Folk Music..." - Songlines Magazine - Francesco Martinelli
"There is no doubt that Eroglu performs in all roles with a significant degree of skill that may be considered prodigious." - Songlines Magazine - Michael Galea

Maryna Krut (KRUTЬ)
🌟 Exploring the Resilient Heart of Ukrainian Music: A Deep Dive with Maryan Krut/KRUTЬ🌟
Maryna Krut, more famous as KRUTЬ, is a renowned Ukrainian singer and songwriter. Sole innovator of bandura (Ukrainian traditional string instrument) in the soul genre. The Voice of Ukraine and The X Factor participant. A unique combination of atmospheric voice and extraordinary musical elegance of bandura.

Eugene Hütz
Eugene's journey to success is a fascinating one. He grew up as a lifelong lover of the punk scene in Ukraine before eventually finding his way to the Lower East Side of New York City in the late 90s, where he went to shows and later performed at the legendary CBGB.