Sinan Cem Eroğlu
"Sinan Cem Eroglu is some of the best instrumentalist and the first modern virtuoso of kaval in today's Turkish Folk Music..." - Songlines Magazine - Francesco Martinelli
"There is no doubt that Eroglu performs in all roles with a significant degree of skill that may be considered prodigious." - Songlines Magazine - Michael Galea

Filipe Sambado: Desire for transgression and elimination of sonic barriers
Filipe Sambado composes remarkable songs that start from an indie pop matrix and consolidate a sonic universe that questions us, summons our memory and projects it in an exercise of reconfiguring current Portuguese identity.

Paulo Flores
Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations in Angola, author, composer and performer, Paulo Flores has been building for over thirty years a remarkable work, where poetry and melodies sustain a narrative that uniquely makes a translated portrait of the Angolan soul.

Ana Lua Caiano
Tradition and innovation united by the hands of Ana Lua Caiano. The artist explores musical fusion, through the combination of traditional Portuguese music with electronic and “day-to-day sounds”. Creating melodies that refer to tradition - making use of choirs, harmonies and canons - in a union with synthesizers, beat machines and sounds taken from everyday life, his music brings the traditional Portuguese heritage to the modern, electronic and technological world.