Sinan Cem Eroğlu
"Sinan Cem Eroglu is some of the best instrumentalist and the first modern virtuoso of kaval in today's Turkish Folk Music..." - Songlines Magazine - Francesco Martinelli
"There is no doubt that Eroglu performs in all roles with a significant degree of skill that may be considered prodigious." - Songlines Magazine - Michael Galea

Lois Landgrebe: Storyteller hailing from the Tulalip Tribe
Lois Landgrebe, a storyteller hailing from the Tulalip Tribe, carries the torch of her ancestors' wisdom and traditions. As Chairwoman of the Northwest Indian Storyteller's Association (NISA) in 2017 and 2018, Lois played a pivotal role in preserving and promoting indigenous storytelling. She draws inspiration from the words of her beloved mentor, Vi Hilbert, who emphasized the significance of sharing stories as a means to honor and remember the invaluable gifts of ancestors. Through her performances, Lois weaves together the vibrant history and traditions of the Tulalip Tribe, transporting audiences to a world steeped in cultural richness and ancestral knowledge.

Delbert Miller: Skokomish Tribal Storyteller, Drummer, Carver.
“Delbert reminds us to remember who we are and where we come from, and secures the foundation of our identity,” said Pam James, a fellow Skokomish tribal member.

Elaine Grinnell: Jamestown S’klallam Tribal Storyteller & Singer
Elaine also serves on the Jamestown S’Klallam Culture Committee, the Native Elders Committee of the University of Washington, Northwest Native American Storytellers Association board, and is a certified Klallam language teacher.