Sinan Cem Eroğlu
"Sinan Cem Eroglu is some of the best instrumentalist and the first modern virtuoso of kaval in today's Turkish Folk Music..." - Songlines Magazine - Francesco Martinelli
"There is no doubt that Eroglu performs in all roles with a significant degree of skill that may be considered prodigious." - Songlines Magazine - Michael Galea

HAEPAARY is an alt-electronic duo, consisting of HYEWON (sound producer/instrumentalist) and MINHEE (vocalist/executive producer). With ambient music and techno sounds, they have reinterpreted the melodies and lyrics of Jongmyojereak, the royal shrine music of the Joseon dynasty, and Namchang Gagok, a Korean traditional vocal genre that has always been performed exclusively by men. Their tracks demonstrate Hyewon and Minhee's brilliant disentanglement of formality and disciplines of Confucian music with their rearticulation of rave and trance. Their soundscape of refinement will invite intimate strangers to its secluded party.